About Us

hi there,

We are Fay & Megan, a mom and daughter team passionate about helping YOU look your best!

Finding out your seasonal colour palette can quite literally be life changing - and it certainly was for us!

We are both tomboys at heart, and often laugh at how we landed up teaching other women how to dress when both of us were 'ugly ducklings'.

how we started

Fay trained as an image consultant 38 years ago with an International Canadian Company called “Colours In Harmony” and has practised ever since as an Image Consultant.

In 2006 Megan won Miss South Africa, and after she had completed her reign, she joined her mom in business and together they launched Image Insured.

Our Team

We have a wonderful team that helps us do what we do best and without them we would not be where we are today!

Let us help you reach your full potential, we promise you will be in safe & friendly hands.

With love,

Fay & Megan